Friday, August 31, 2012


I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion. Thomas Jefferson
Society is comprised of people like you and me.  We are working units of mind, body, and spirit.  Together, the 3 way connection decides and carries out our daily functions.  As a result, a collective reality is created and shared through the process. 
     The universe is constantly changing and everything in the universe affects everything else.  People are not separate, but working components of a great whole.  The unit is as good as the communion of its individual.  Every person holds importance in the impact of the unit. 
ONE BAND, ONE SOUND; Can you imagine a society where each individual operates at optimum positive human capacity?  Imagining this may be slightly a challenge because it appears to be impossible.  Have you ever heard the saying, “To change my attitude you must first change yours?”
     Every capable adult is ultimately responsible for him or herself.  We have all that is needed to optimize our vital components.  A minimal amount of time and attention given to the three primary areas of our lives can significantly make a difference in any individual.  Individual change affects the great whole, whether positive or negative.  Positive changes in an individual person will positively alter the functioning of the unit.  Are you operating at your best?
     There is a three way connection between mind, body, and spirit.  Together they design the moments of our lives.  The subconscious mind works behind the scene manifesting planted thought and belief seeds, while the conscious mind interprets and responds to experiences.  Having a fit mind is just as important as having a healthy body and a nurtured spirit. 
How is your mind?  Is it clear or full?  Does it think well under pressure?  Is it adaptive to change?  Are you able to remember things and prioritize according to immediate importance?  Can you create positive realities for yourself and those around you?  These are all things the human mind is capable of. 
Emotional sludge can slow mental functions.  Excessive experiences of fight or flight activation not only leads to a buildup of defensive energy that can damage an immune system, it also causes past emotional reactions to circumstances and situations to remain active and to unconsciously create similar present situations.  When this happens, the mind is unable to operate according to design because of fear and/or anxiety.
Consider the person in the scenario below.
A 45 year old woman name Mildred and her husband of 25 years recently divorced.  The only thing she feels she has to be thankful for is the fact that their two sons are now both grown and married with children.  She once loved this man.  Now she hates his guts!
Mildred is angry because of the way she feels after catching her ex-husband indecently exposed with their next door neighbor.  She knew the marriage wouldn’t last the day they were married after he accidently called her the wrong name.  Now she feels stupid for continuing with the ceremony and giving him her all during her twilight years. 
Mildred’s ex-husband and father are just a like.  Both talked to her like she was worthless.  As a matter of fact, she is worthless according to her own beliefs. 
If she had any value, her husband would not have cheated on her and her father would have loved her.  She failed at pleasing either.  These are the thoughts that are circulating in Mildred’s heart and mind. 
After sitting within the four walls of her studio apartment angrily reminiscing about the life she once lived in a 5 bedroom home where she and her ex-husband raised their children, Mildred takes her purse from the kitchen bar and keys from the wall mounted key-holder and heads to the local bar.  Maybe she’ll find another man who will love her better than her father and ex-husband.  She wipes away tears, puts on her game face, and accepts her reality.  True love here she comes.
Would you say Mildred’s mind is working at positive optimum functioning?  Why or why not?  Based on the information given in the scenario, do you believe she will find what she is looking for?   
I’m sure, if we are honest with ourselves, you and I both have had moments in our lives where our minds functioned poorly.  Emotional sludge is only one reason for a sluggish mind.  It is the one I will focus on in this article.
There is an awesome cleanser that can clean bothersome sludge and restore mental faculties.  Love is an emotional sludge cleanser.  It is capable of breaking down stubborn perceptions and beliefs that keeps the mind full and disabled.  It will uncover truth hidden beneath dirty lies and expose why negativity is unnecessary. 
The undefeated stain removing power of love will clean any area of human existence that it is applied to; mind, body, and spirit.  Cleansing emotions with love will have mental wheels turning with ingenious power.  In this state of mind, new possibilities are opened.
     The human mind works best when exercised and enlightened.  There are more ways than I can list to achieve this.  Working puzzles, math problems, and playing mental engaging games can stimulate and strengthen mental processing.  Reading books, magazines, and articles via internet or hardcopy are excellent ways to introduce your mind to enlightening information.  An enlightened mind is one that is empowered.  
Peace is essential for mental clarity.  Meditation, martial arts, relaxation music, and being creative are ways to harness peace of mind.  Incorporate an activity into your life that facilitates mental clarity.  To create a clean clear mind is to possess a happy one!  
     With a clear fully charged mind you have the ability to attend to the body and spirit.  If you are like most Americans, you consider your body at least once a day for one reason or another.  Obesity awareness has some people obsessed with their body thinking they are too fat, while ones overlooked in the hype believe they are too skinny.  My sister, who is 5’ 8”, believes she is too tall while my 14 year old daughter, who is 4’, complains about being too short. 
     My advice for establishing and maintaining a healthy body:  Eat appropriate portions of good wholesome foods, take quality vitamins and supplements, and drink plenty of water.  This is the best diet for any body type.  Of course speak to your personal physician before beginning new regimes.
I also suggest walking often, even if only several short distances in a day.  Your cardiovascular system will thank you with positive functioning.  Be sure to wear supportive shoes that will protect your ankles and knees.  Define targeted muscle groups with short vigorous workouts.  Most importantly, deliberately imagine yourself displaying your ideal body type, often.  Act in faith and complete belief that you are able to achieve your desire.
     We have talked about mental and body functioning in the 3 part connection.  For some reason, in this society, the area of spirit is a delicate subject for many.  Having a healthy spirit is important to overall human wellbeing, so I find it important to discuss in this article.  Spiritual connections affect all other areas of individual existence.  A well spirit presents wellness.
     You were created with love from love with the purpose to love.  It goes without saying, love is essential to have a light happy spirit.  Open your heart and mind during daily interactions with other people.  Start to recognize the presence of love when presented; even during a friendly encounter at the grocery store.  Awareness of love strengthens ability to express love.  Love allows you to be in the presence of the creator.  This is where spirit feels most free. 
     When your mind is clear, body feels good, and spirit is happy you are at your absolute best.  Other things may not be as you want them to be, but you are in a position to create with precision.  Your desires are a deliberate thought away.  Take care of your whole self; mind, body, and spirit to set in motion positive change that will naturally elevate you to unseen heights.  Your energy vibrations will echo into the universe and reflect back self.  It is my hope that you reflect positivity.
     My next article will go in depths on the conscious and unconscious mind.  I will share information on how to plant and cultivate seeds of financial success in your life.  Until then, take care.  I wish you a clear mind, a healthy body, and a loving spirit.
DeMeitta Wesley   
I couldn't wait to show you.  You like?  I Do! 
P. S.  I would love to hear from you.  Visit my website listed below and drop a message in my inbox at   

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