Sunday, September 30, 2012

Unzip Null Thinking and Expose the Green


Are you thankful for what you have? Having gratitude for present is the most powerful and effective way to receive more of what you desire. Things may not be as you want them. That is perfectly fine when you are grateful. When you accept things as they are you demonstrate the knowledge that life is good simply because it is. Possession of material items, money, and relationships with others are added bonuses that will materialize from the energy that is transmitted from gratitude. These things will not produce happiness, yet happiness will provide the things you desire and are in belief you are able to have.

How can you be thankful for a life in disarray? The answer is simple. The Law of Opposites states that failure contains the seeds for success. It is in experiencing what is unwanted that one becomes aware of what is desired. (For more information about universal laws read 7 LAWS THAT MATERIALIZES THE UNIVERSE). Everything in the universe is energy at the core. Your emotions are energy that will either bring more of what you desire or do not desire. So, it is extremely important to consciously decide what emotional vibration you emit in response to any given situation. Gratitude in the midst of an undesired experience will guide you towards the opposite of the experience. You must be thankful for the seeds of success that exists inside of what is perceived as failure.

Have you ever had the experience of something unpleasant that made you complain about it and the more you complained the worse the situation became? The Law of Attraction will bring you more of whatever you focus your attention on. If you focus on how unpleasant something is, you will attract more unpleasantness, naturally. But if you shift your focus to gratitude for the unpleasant experience, because it contains the ingredients for a desired experience, you will attract that which you desire.

Complaining about something is a waste of energy because it will not make your life better. Harnessing and maintaining an attitude of gratitude is the way to unzip null thinking and expose the green. The color green represents growth and can be whatever it is you desire. Paying close attention to how you feel within your life is more important than what you possess. There are so many people who have all that they once believed they wanted only to discover poor emotions still active in their being. If I was speaking to those people, I would encourage them to become grateful for their life experience. It is through the energy of gratitude that vibrant emotions and experiences grow.

I wish green life experiences for you.


DeMeitta Wesley

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why Aren't You Rich?

Did you know that only about 4% of the population experiences extremely wealthy lives?  That means that approximately 96% live the exact opposite.  And what is interesting is over 50% of the people who experience the opposite of wealthy living desire otherwise but do not know how to achieve it?  Chances are YOU are well aware of how this feels.

Someone asked me a very important question that I had never considered.  I’m curious to know how you would answer.  “What could you do with a weekly income that matched what you now earn monthly?” Do you believe this is possible to achieve?

Whether you realize this or not, you are able to receive any denomination of money you desire.  That is, if you believe you can.  You may say, “If this is possible then why haven’t I already become a millionaire like I truly desire to be one day?”  My answer is because you have yet to decide to be.

Think about this old saying for a moment. 

“You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

Seems logical doesn’t it?  You either possess the cake or eat the cake, right?  WRONG!  What is the point of possessing cake if you can’t indulge in the eating of it?  I’m sure many will agree with that question but still stand clueless on how this is achieved while still possessing the cake. 

What if you were a baker who owned a bakery?  All of the cake created in this bakery is first possessed by you.  Then, you would feel more than comfortable with eating of any of the cake within your possession knowing you could produce more as you desire.  Without truly realizing it, you would possess cake and eat it too!

If only people thought this way about money.  But, it is easier for most individuals to conceive of the idea of generating cake.  Either they have knowledge of a recipe and have the ingredients or they are aware that most grocery stores sell boxed cake mixes and the necessary ingredients that they are able to purchase.  And, there is a nifty set of instructions on the back of each box.  How ideal is that?!

When it comes to money people are less likely to feel confident that they can generate money as readily as they would cake.  There are a number of reasons for this and they vary, even if only slightly, from person to person.  I read a quote on my Facebook page today that is valid in explanation of this reality.

“What we cling to as truth depends on our Point of View.”

-Master Yoda    

When we were children our minds were open and influential.  For us this has positive and negative affect on our adult life.  The truths our parents and other adults around us clung to and shared as truths about money took decided residence within us.  For the most part, many people live out those truths in the financial arena of their lives not realizing that they in fact are not theirs originally.

What was the truth about money circulating in your childhood environment?  How did your parents and their associates and peers act in response to money?  Once you answer this question, examine your own life.  Do you see any resemblance?

People are not living rich life experiences because they were never taught they could and/or they were never shown how.  And as adults, we hold on dearly to our truths whether they benefit us or not.  Someone who knew the not-so-secret process to experiencing wealth could not waltz into your life and impress a made up mind to think otherwise.  The person in possession of that mind will have to decide to adopt a new way of thinking before the person with knowledge of the process could offer any relief.  I find that to be a sad but true reality.

If you are someone who is not experiencing the wealth of life and would like to do so, what are you waiting for?  Change your way of thinking today.  You can start by making a decision to do so.  The rest will follow.

I admit.  This article is quite vague.  I have not offered much information about the process of becoming rich.  This was done intentionally.  It is my desire to inform you that more is available for you to have and I hope you decide to go after it.  Once you have made this decision, I have no doubt that you will be eager to read my next article that will detail this easy process.  Meanwhile, use your internet time wisely.  Research what you would like to know more about.

I wish you a rich experience.


DeMeitta Wesley
Email for a complimentary Life Coaching interview.  Also, visit for personal development information. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Is Life Coaching Right For You?

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!  Live the life you’ve imagined.  As you simplify your life, the laws of the Universe will be simpler.”  -Henry David Thoreau

     Without a doubt the world is changing dramatically in response to emotional, spiritual, and physical evolution of mankind.  Take a look around you for proof of this claim.  Humans are living outside of traditional roles.  There are an abundance of new and old paradigms taking stage in personal awareness.  People are simply doing a number of different things than what was thought to be possible before.   

More than likely you own a personal cell phone, a computer, an iPod and other electronic gadgets.  And if you do not, you are aware that these items are available per your desire to have them.  At minimum local libraries have evolved and now offer access to technologies provided for public use.

     Technology has a number of benefits to us as a world.  It allows for connection to the world wide web of participators.  At one point in history a horse and days, sometimes months, of a messenger’s life were required for communication beyond local environments.  Now an email can be sent across the globe with the press of a button.

     During a Life Coaching class, my instructor shared the fact that her mother had to go to a local movie theater to seek news information via reels.  Now, with the press of a button, any favorite news provider can be accessed.  Computer accessed news is a step beyond television broadcast as was common during my childhood.

     As a result of technological advance human beings are now experiencing consequences of convenience.  The ownership and daily use of personal electronics encourages more physical solitude.  Our attention and effort is predominately projected away from the physical environment where we live and work into a world of words, graphics, and affiliations with people whom we may never personally interact with. 

     For the sake of expansion we perceive this phenomenon to be good.  But, there has been a noticed effect upon our local personal interactions and endeavors.  In extreme cases, families, friends, and personal selves experience unnoticed neglect.  How does Life Coaching relate to this?

     First, I would like to share how Life Coaching began.

According to Internet articles, Life Coaching began in California in the early 1980s as a response to expressed unmet needs.  Therapists, counselors and other professionals found that clients wanted personal support in their life.  These clients were fit and well, in that they did not have mental or physical problems.  But they needed guidance.  In these particular situations a medical or therapeutic program was irrelevant.  Seeking people wanted someone to help them actually achieve their goals.  It was this collective desire that gave birth to Personal Life Coaching.

     I specialize in personal development which is a form of coaching that focuses entirely on the self.  It aims to assess and evaluate an individual's current strengths and weaknesses in order to improve any aspect of their life that they wish to address.  It was through pursuit in personal development that I found strength to accomplish many of the achievements I am grateful for after a spell of life discontent. 

During a personal development appointment with a life coach, you will be given the opportunity to assess how your life feels.  A series of probing questions will be asked geared towards uncovering whether you are happy, whether you are reaching your goals, how your state of mind is effecting your relationships and so on.  After establishing where you are in relation to your needs and goals, your coach will be able to help you devise ways to improve aspects of your life that you decide needs work.

The service is designed as a relationship between you, as a client, and your coach to work towards helping you to use your power to create the actual life you desire.  I believe 100% that you know the answers to every question and have the solution to every challenge you may face in your life, even if they appear to be hidden and out of reach.  My skills, as a life coach, are about knowing the right questions to ask and having the right tools and techniques to empower you to find the answers within you to the questions you have.

Life Coaching is not consulting, mentoring, advice oriented, therapy, or counseling.  It is a relationship that will help you to discover your greatness.  If perhaps you feel you need medical attention and/or advice referrals can be made as requested.

Is Life Coaching for YOU?

Assess yourself through this questionnaire to determine the appropriate answer.  Score each statement on a scale from 1 to 10 with 1 being not at all true and 10 being extremely true.

·         I am ready to create more balance in my life.

·         I am ready to improve my personal or business relationships.

·         I am ready to make real and positive changes in my life.

·         I am ready to find and live my life’s purpose.

·         I am ready and willing to overcome self-limiting beliefs and behavior.

·         I am ready to create plans and take action to achieve my goals.

·         I am ready to achieve a sense of fulfillment at work and in my life.

·         I am ready for more enjoyment in my life.

·         I would like to work less and receive more money.

·         I can benefit from someone who will assist me with staying on track.

 Afterwards, add the scores together. 

>30= Life coaching is not right for you. 

31-60= You desire change in your life and could possibly benefit from a fresh perspective but may not be ready to commit to the process of life coaching. 

60+= You are ready for a life coach!  You are willing to do whatever it takes to create the life you deserve and desire.

If YOU are ready to begin a rewarding journey towards life fulfillment, CONGRATULATIONS!  There are Life Coaches available to assist you with this very important turning point in your life.  Feel free to search the web for a coach that is a perfect match for you.  I wish you the best.

DeMeitta Wesley 
P.S. I am a PLC (Personal Life Coach) who has a BA in Psychology from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.  There I also studied Sociology and Social Work.  I have completed 28 hours of coaching training, the certification requirement, at The School of Coaching Mastery under the guidance of Julia Stewart who is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivs 3.0 Unported License.  Email for a complimentary coaching interview.  Also visit for personal development information geared towards A Greater You. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012


    During the past 12 years of motivating and inspiring others I came across many who let it be known up front, without any qualms, that they didn’t buy into ‘psycho mumbo jumbo’…I opted to say mumbo jumbo instead of actual words spoken for the cleanliness of this article.  I will admit, at the green beginnings of my career as a Life Coach, I was clueless of how to respond when the good news I wanted to share was rejected by those who expressed desire for life changes.  I learned, quickly, through trial and error that a person will receive the good news when they feel they are ready to.  A person can hate the way their life feels, while at the same time not be ready to learn information that will transform their discomforts into experiences of joy. 
Why does this happen? 

This interesting reality happens for many individual reasons.  Psychologists, Sociologists, Philosophers, Economists, Theologians, friends, enemies, you name it have a theory to explain why some people insist on remaining in situations that makes them constantly complain about their lives and the displeasure they feel. 
Let me ask YOU.  How would you explain this? (click highlighted and underlined words in this sentence to answer question)

I have had people ask if personal development is necessary.  Their lives were overbooked with responsibility.  Completing steps towards a better self in the future does not advertise large immediate payouts or much needed money to afford financial obligations.  To those people, the idea of strengthening human attributes sound nice but doesn’t make the top 10 of their priority list.  Oftentimes, I have silently shaken my head at the emptiness I felt because of lack of knowledge about how to reach them to help.

     Do I believe personal development is important?  Yes, I do.  I always have and I suspect I always will.  Is this the reason I was double promoted from Head Start to 1st grade, graduated high school at 17 as Who’sWho Among American High School Students, and graduated from college with a double major as a single mother with two young children?  No, it was not the reason.  I’ll explain.

     I was what some would call intelligent as a child.  I remember a day when my parents used this against me.  They encouraged me to throw my bottle away because I was a big girl and big girls didn’t use bottles.  Big girls ate pizzapuffs, my favorite, and rode tricycles, they absolutely didn’t carry bottles.  Well if they did, they were actually a baby, not a BIG GIRL.  Oh how I wished I didn’t listen to them at the end of the night.  When I asked for my bottle, as I normally did, I was reminded of when I tossed my juice filled bottle into the dumpster near our duplex.

     Shortly after that incident, this BIG GIRL wanted to know how to read books and how to write in cursive penmanship.  My mom and dad both wrote in cursive and it looked like some secret code that they understood and it was time for them to teach me.  Momma had her own agendas that sometimes excluded extensive training in the areas I wanted developed.  I would take odd papers of theirs and trace the letters with my pencil in effort to learn to cursive write on my own. 

(My love for pencils and writing led to a tragic experience that I will refrain from sharing in this article.) 

But, shortly after accomplishing my goals of being able to read the books in my dark orange Dr. Seuss bookcase on my dresser and being able to write the alphabet and my first and last name in cursive letters I was double promoted.  1st grade was scary.  I was the youngest in my class but still even yet more advanced.  This proposed quite a few problems later on. 

Years later, I became a child who witnessed domestic violence for two years and familial dysfunction for longer.  Then, school was my escape from the nightmare I lived.  The majority of my days and nights were spent dreaming about the life I wished I was living and the one I intended to create when I was old enough. 

Once graduating high school, I didn’t really know what to do.  Momma wanted me to stay home with her until I was 18, legal age in Arkansas.  I declined her proposal and headed off to college in a city four hours away.  

     My college experience was noteworthy and I acknowledge the ups and downs that resulted in me graduating seven years later as a single mother in my upcoming book.  I will post details later.  It wasn’t until I entered the flow of society, educated and unable to secure suitable employment, when I realized the importance of personal development.  I had pushed past every blockade and beat all odds in pursuit of childhood goals.  Now, I stood in the midst of crunch-time without guidance or direction. 

Previous accomplishments did nothing for my car note and past due rent, nor did it stop my obligation to pay back $66,000 for student loans.  I got to the point of almost giving up before realizing there were some things about me that needed to change if I truly wanted to live a different experience.

     I first learned about love in its various forms through reading the King James Version of the bible, articles, self-help books, fiction stories, and by listening to the discussions of others.  Eventually, I embraced meditation and experienced its essence.  I discovered love is the reason for all things of itself and the lack of it explains everything else.  Learning about love strengthened the foundation of my faith. 

     Faith is the driving force of any endeavor.  When we stand from our beds we do so in faith of gravity.  Turing the knob of a faucet displays faith that a flow of water will result.  When two people marry the idea is they have faith in the longevity of their union.  And when they divorce, two people reveal their faith in legal freedom from the other.  There are some couples who have married, divorced, and then later developed valuable friendship between them.  These people show faith in each other’s presence.  

     Doubt and fear were the next subjects I explored.  Doubt is belief in what is undesired.  Fear is anxiety about impeding danger.  The obvious thing about doubt is it is impossible to achieve or possess anything you believe can’t be had.  It’s that simple.  Faith is belief that you can.  Even though this is obvious, it is a phenomenon that goes undetected by many human minds. 

The unique thing I learned about fear is the feared experience always exists in the future.  Even if the object feared is present (visible), during the process of fear battle has not yet taken place.  There are other more effective actions that can be taken in lieu of fear.  Anxiety is a response to something that feels uncontrollable.  Every choice a human makes is in the control of that human.  Realizing the fact that I am in control of my own life empowered me beyond fear and anxiety.  I was introduced to the tool of present living.

Living life moment by moment is far more rewarding than living check to check or from one sad experience to the next.  I started recognizing love in the interactions I engaged in; even unpleasant ones.  Past memories are now learning modules that contain a wealth of feedback and encouragement. 

I am reminded of how life once felt which makes me thankful for today.  Each experience I have had reveals a step by step manifestation of my innermost focuses.  Now I know how to set my focus according to my desires which in turn produces the outcome of my heart.  This is nothing new.  Only, now I am aware of how this all works.

The good news is LIFE CAN BE ALL YOU DESIRE IT TO BE.  If you believe this and would like to be asked a series of questions designed to unveil the mystery focus of your life click HERE.  Input your name and a quick message about what we can work on in your life.  You deserve the very best life has to offer.  The choice is YOURS to make.  Start NOW on a journey of personal development.  As a friend I support your quest and wish you success in developing a healthy whole self.  Take care of your mind, body, and spirit.


DeMeitta Wesley 


President Obama will present his plan for economic growth through strengthening the MIDDLE CLASS tonight at 8pm (EST).  Watch the live broadcast HERE!

If your monthly income falls below middle class standard who will strengthen you?

 I will.

Live beyond someone else's plan for your financial stability.

SERIOUSLY. Click the link below.

This life changing information is FREE.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012



Current mood:creative

I close my eyes and envision being surrounded by love...

...always blessed from above.

Needs and desires are always met.

Life only grants me its ultimate best.

My children are happy and fam at ease.

Our hearts are happy and souls are pleased.

Nature's beauty is always in view.

I'm never confused..right action I do.

A special someone shares my heart.

We're connected even when we part.

My pets are there in my mental dream.'s so real..I feel the sun beam.

Positivity radiates from all who's near.

There's never a reason for me to fear.

I close my eyes and imagine love.

I thankful for blessings from the sky above.

(Artist and Poet: DeMeitta Wesley)






                What is an entrepreneur?  Rather, who is an entrepreneur?  The answer in short YOU ARE.  Well, maybe not now but you could be should you choose.  An entrepreneur is someone who uses creativity to design their lives and the lives of others in the way they feel it should be, using methods believed to be appropriate while taking full responsibility for outcomes and risks associated.  That is DeMeitta Wesley’s definition.  Wikipedia listed a similar definition and in addition, they listed 4 types of entrepreneurs; Social entrepreneur, Serial entrepreneur, Lifestyle entrepreneur, and Cooperative entrepreneur.  View detailed listing at


 Social entrepreneur

A social entrepreneur is motivated by a desire to help, improve and transform social, environmental, educational and economic conditions. Key traits and characteristics of highly effective social entrepreneurs include ambition and a lack of acceptance of the status quo or accepting the world "as it is". The social entrepreneur is driven by an emotional desire to address some of the big social and economic conditions in the world, for example, poverty and educational deprivation, rather than by the desire for profit. Social entrepreneurs seek to develop innovative solutions to global problems that can be copied by others to enact change.

Serial entrepreneur

 A serial entrepreneur is one who continuously comes up with new ideas and starts new businesses.  In the media, the serial entrepreneur is represented as possessing a higher propensity for risk, innovation and achievement.

Lifestyle entrepreneur

 A lifestyle entrepreneur places passion before profit when launching a business in order to combine personal interests and talent with the ability to earn a living.

Cooperative entrepreneur

 A cooperative entrepreneur doesn't just work alone, but rather collaborates with other cooperative entrepreneurs to develop projects, particularly cooperative projects. Each cooperative entrepreneur might bring different skill sets to the table, but collectively they share in the risk and success of the venture.



What are the benefits of entrepreneurship?

According to


“As the 2012 Presidential Election draws closer, Republican politicians in America are taking to the stage to share their ideas on ways to benefit the country’s economy.  During his three years in office, the Democratic president has repeatedly promised job creation to a frightened nation whose citizens are facing economic crisis. But as the United States stands through the current recession, entrepreneurship is quickly becoming a very viable solution to many of the financial issues in the country.”


Creative Thinking of Entrepreneurs/Creating Jobs


While some may wonder how entrepreneurship could possibly help solve the critical situation which Americans are finding themselves in, these self-starters have become a very essential part of the American work force. The creative thinking of entrepreneurs has helped many of them to flourish in the midst of a parched financial desert. Better yet, these service oriented business owners are helping to release a spring of economic activity in a wasteland of economic breakdown.


The entrepreneur spirit is one that blooms in the midst of that desert. Entrepreneurs often shine the brightest when under pressure, making them very important to their society as they continue to benefit the economy in many ways. Although many promises have been made by politicians who are trying to pass bills in the name of “job creation,” it is the entrepreneurs who are actually creating the jobs. That is simply because it is the entrepreneurs who create new businesses…and new businesses hire employees, thus creating jobs. This is the most important reason that entrepreneurship is vital to the nation’s economy.


As an entrepreneur starts their business, they will require a number of employees to keep that business going. Whether it is accountants, staff members, writers, web site creators, or just manual laborers, most new businesses will need several employees. Not only does the entrepreneur provide those employees with a job, but he or she will also strive to help that employee succeed. This is because the success of the employee will in turn benefit the entrepreneur.


From Public Assistance to Taxpayers


With both the business owner, and the employees now making more money, they will put that money back into the economy as they purchase the necessities such as food, clothing, transportation, etc. An unemployed person who might have found themselves using government benefits such as food stamps, welfare, and more, as a revenue generating entrepreneur, could now be a contributing member of society.  The more that employee can make, the more they can put back into the economy. And the more the employee is making, the more the business owner is taking in. In turn, entrepreneurs pay taxes which go back into the government programs to help those who have not found employment, or are on unemployment.


Aside from creating jobs, entrepreneurs also create a demand for more finished products as well. The restaurant owner will need produce and other food products, the photo-journalist will need camera equipment, film, computer programs, notebooks, pens, and more, the fashion designer will need cloth and accessories, and so forth. As these entrepreneurs purchase the needed items from suppliers, those suppliers will need employees who can produce the needed items as well as keep inventory, handle shipping, and more. As the entrepreneur’s business continues to grow, their benefit to the economy grows with them.


Along with job creation and fresh product demand, entrepreneurs will introduce new products, technologies, and ideas into the market, which in turn can create even more jobs, starting the cycle all over again. Take Steve Jobs, Bob Galvin, and Bill Gates for example. Bob Galvin was the head of the development of those integrated circuits which would later be used by people such as Steve Jobs to create the cell phone.  The new technology which these three men alone brought to the table is still adding billions of dollars to the economy each year. With these thoughts in mind, perhaps those politicians who truly wish to help create jobs and boost the economy will see that supporting entrepreneurship in America is a great way to do just that.


Angela Kaye Mason is a researcher, writer, business woman, and contributor at blog network. She may be reached at Follow Angela on Twitter @AngelaKayeMason”



What are the Pros and Cons of entrepreneurship?
 went to and this is what I read:

 To everything in life there are advantages and disadvantages; entrepreneurship is no exception. As a matter of fact, entrepreneurship involves a lot of risk taking. Yet, it can pay off very nicely as well, with rewards such as profits and the opportunity to be your own boss and make your own decisions.

 Here are some pros and cons to consider:


Excitement: Due to its high capacity for risk, there is a lot of adventure.

Rules and regulations: Work in a current job is difficult to do because of all the "red tape" and consistent administration approval needed.

Originality: Some people feel that they can offer a new service/product that no one else has offered before.

Competition: Employees feel they can offer their current company's product/service at a lesser expense to the public.

Independence: Some people wish to be their own boss and make all the important decisions him/herself.

Salary potential: Generally, people want to be paid for the amount of work they do in full; they do not want to be "short-changed."

Flexibility: Entrepreneurs can schedule their work hours to spend quality time with family or any other reason.

Rational salary: They are not being paid what they're worth and would rather work on their own and earn the money they should be earning for their efforts.

Freedom: Entrepreneurs can work whenever they want, wherever they want, and however they want.


Salary: Starting your own business means that you must be willing to give up the security of a regular paycheck.

Benefits: There will undoubtedly be fewer benefits, especially when considering that your business will be just starting off.

Work schedule: The work schedule of an entrepreneur is never predictable; an emergency can come up in a matter of a second and late hours will have to be put in.

Administration: All the decisions of the business must be made on your own; there is no one ranked higher than you on the chain of command in YOUR business.

Incompetent staff: Often times, you will find yourself working with an employee who "doesn't know the ropes" as well as you do due to lack of experience.

Procedures: Many times during your entrepreneurial life, you will find that many policies do not make sense, nor will they ever make sense.


Well Known Entrepreneurs…

Mary Kay Ash- The founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics created a business that has helped some half a million women fulfill their dreams of business ownership. A best-selling author and powerful motivational speaker, Lifetime Television named her the Most Outstanding Woman in Business in the 20th Century.

Ben & Jerry’s (The Man Behind Icecream) - Ice cream is a sweet treat that few can resist. Although vanilla is the most popular flavor in the U.S., there are a seemingly endless number of varieties and manufacturers. One of the best-known purveyors is Ben & Jerry’s, the brand synonymous with funky flavors like Cherry Garcia and Chunky Monkey and a groovy Vermont vibe.

Michael Dell (Innovator of the Personal Computer Industry)- Michael Dell, born February 1965, started the road to success out of his University of Texas dorm room in with just $1000 and an idea in 1984. Michael Dell is both Chairman and CEO of his company with a net worth of over $30 billion. Dell sells directly to the customer so to avoid middleman mark-ups.

Simon Cowell- (Music Mogul Millionaire) - Simon Cowell is best known as the obnoxious judge on the hit TV show American Idol whose cynical comments sent contestants running out the door in tears, but what most don’t know is that his work didn’t start there and most definitely won’t end there. His list of achievements is long and includes being a successful record producer and executive for the BMG UK record company to gathering wannabe entrepreneurs on his show, American Inventor.


Less Known Entrepreneurs…

ADORA SVITAK - Born: October 15, 1997 (age 14).  Adora Lily Svitak is an American child prodigy and internationally published author, known for her essays, stories, poems, blogs, and full-length books. Wikipedia.

SAVANNAH BRITT - At age 14 Savannah Britt took Fashion Magazine Sector by storm.  She is a teen socialite turned entrepreneur, who heads her own fashion magazine for girls!

EMIL MOTYCKA - Emil Motycka started mowing lawns when he was 9 years old and in his senior year of high school he earned $135000 from his company Motycka Enterprises.

Search these names on the World Wide Web for more information about them.  Read about these SUCCESSFUL CHILDREN on 50WISE website.

Entrepreneurship allows freedom from mundane work and limiting pay.  It challenges abilities and tests skills with the reward of high satisfaction.  Creative innovation may be the most reliable employer yet.  It is favored in the U.S. economy and embraced by even children.  If you have ever considered going into business for yourself, no matter how much thought you have given the idea, tell yourself YOU CAN.  Now create an innovative plan to your claim of entrepreneurship today. 


DeMeitta Wesley