Saturday, September 1, 2012


If you are like most people in this age of technology you spend some amount of time interacting within the World Wide Web.  So, I don’t have to tell you about online marketing.  Times are better than they were a few years ago when unwanted advertisement followed unprotected internet users offline.  Sheesh, those were such a pain in the megabyte.  Now, in the personal development and self-help niche, advertisers grab on to potential buyers attention with offers to sell a portion of true and accessible information.  But, it is easier to say no. 

I ran into quite a few while establishing my online career.  Instead of making money as aimed, I would have gone in debt trying to purchase all of the information I needed.  Don’t get me wrong; there were at least three email offers that I took advantage of without regrets.

     People who search for self-help and personal development material typically are not intending to purchase the information they seek.  But, more times than not an abundance of offers are made.  What can be done to maximize the benefits of the searcher?

     Extensive research can be conducted using Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other search engine you prefer.  Type in specific areas of personal development and self-help you would like to acquire information about.  Click on the numbers at the bottom of the generated list page to explore beyond the first group of sites presented.  Free information is equally as plentiful on the internet as that for sell.  Multiple searches may be needed to achieve desired knowledge. 

This method of achieving self-help is time consuming, yes.  THE ALTERNATIVE: Decide which of the advertised information packets is best to buy and purchase one.  Write a review to assist others who are in search of the same information.


 Conducting research for articles lead me to blogs, forums, and e-books that exposes the Law of Attraction as a New Age hype.  This finding inspired a quick side search for information on the subject.  I’m familiar with attracting my desires but I wanted to present information outside of my own personal opinion. 

According to my research, the Law of Attraction is an old theory or belief that like attracts like.  A commonly known example of this is expressed in the ‘Placebo Effect,’ which describes the positive effect experienced by patients given a pill without medicine.  The ‘Nocebo Effect’ is parallel to the ‘Placebo Effect’ in that it describes the negative effect experienced by patients given medicine they fear or disapprove.  The Law of Attraction embraces the concept of thoughts and emotions creating realities.

     A man named Thomas Troward was a strong influence in the New Thought Movement and claimed that thought precedes physical form; "the action of Mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form."  In 1906, William Walker Atkinson (1862–1932) used the phrase in his New Thought Movement book Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World, stating that "like attracts like."  The following year, Elizabeth Towne, the editor of The Nautilus Magazine, a Journal of New Thought, published Bruce MacLelland's prosperity theology book Prosperity Through Thought Force, in which he summarized the principle, stating: "You are what you think, not what you think you are."  {Wikipedia-Law of Attraction}

     As you can see, the idea of like attracts like existed before you and I and any advocate for it you will meet today.  There is only one way to know for certain if it actually works.  Test it out in your life.  Then, you could write an article that details your results.  It could be titled something like, The Law of Attraction, Scam or Not a Scam.


Further research informed me of belief that childhood circumstances and experiences determine adulthood.  Do you believe your childhood experiences and circumstances determine the nature of your adulthood?  What happened in a person’s childhood did so in their past and is not a part of present.  The emotions that were felt during that time may still exist inside of you as negative energy that blocks experiences of desire.  It does not have to remain that way.

     Belief is everything.  You have to believe you are capable of having the type of life experiences you desire as an adult regardless of what happened in your past.  Next, you must be willing to acknowledge harmful emotions; those that hold you trapped in negativity.  Then, work through them.  Remember why you feel the way you feel and who shared the experience. 

Ask yourself a series of questions.  Is it beneficial for me today to feel the way I feel about this particular situation and/or person?  Do I prefer to harbor negative emotions or do I desire to have positive experiences?  Can I move forward with my life without the emotions that I feel?  Last, but definitely not least, forgive all that needs to be forgiven and move on.

     If you want to be truly happy and successful, you will have to let go of the past and grab hold of today.  How you feel and what you think on this particular day will decide the nature of life you experience.  Dare to walk away from whatever holds you back from what you desire.   


     There are countless ways for individuals to achieve personal development through self-help.  The internet is an excellent source of information free and for a fee.  As long as you select information according to your needs you will obtain what you are looking for.

     The Law of Attraction may be useful in making positive life changes.  Understanding is golden and the key that could turn an old theory into a new tool to achieve greatness.  Research can be conducted on the topic with the tap of a few computer keys.

     In order for anyone to live a positive and rewarding life they must first believe it is possible.  Childhood does not have to equal adulthood.  Forgiveness can clean any emotional wound.  Now, you decide which path you will take.

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