Sunday, September 30, 2012

Unzip Null Thinking and Expose the Green


Are you thankful for what you have? Having gratitude for present is the most powerful and effective way to receive more of what you desire. Things may not be as you want them. That is perfectly fine when you are grateful. When you accept things as they are you demonstrate the knowledge that life is good simply because it is. Possession of material items, money, and relationships with others are added bonuses that will materialize from the energy that is transmitted from gratitude. These things will not produce happiness, yet happiness will provide the things you desire and are in belief you are able to have.

How can you be thankful for a life in disarray? The answer is simple. The Law of Opposites states that failure contains the seeds for success. It is in experiencing what is unwanted that one becomes aware of what is desired. (For more information about universal laws read 7 LAWS THAT MATERIALIZES THE UNIVERSE). Everything in the universe is energy at the core. Your emotions are energy that will either bring more of what you desire or do not desire. So, it is extremely important to consciously decide what emotional vibration you emit in response to any given situation. Gratitude in the midst of an undesired experience will guide you towards the opposite of the experience. You must be thankful for the seeds of success that exists inside of what is perceived as failure.

Have you ever had the experience of something unpleasant that made you complain about it and the more you complained the worse the situation became? The Law of Attraction will bring you more of whatever you focus your attention on. If you focus on how unpleasant something is, you will attract more unpleasantness, naturally. But if you shift your focus to gratitude for the unpleasant experience, because it contains the ingredients for a desired experience, you will attract that which you desire.

Complaining about something is a waste of energy because it will not make your life better. Harnessing and maintaining an attitude of gratitude is the way to unzip null thinking and expose the green. The color green represents growth and can be whatever it is you desire. Paying close attention to how you feel within your life is more important than what you possess. There are so many people who have all that they once believed they wanted only to discover poor emotions still active in their being. If I was speaking to those people, I would encourage them to become grateful for their life experience. It is through the energy of gratitude that vibrant emotions and experiences grow.

I wish green life experiences for you.


DeMeitta Wesley

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