Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why Aren't You Rich?

Did you know that only about 4% of the population experiences extremely wealthy lives?  That means that approximately 96% live the exact opposite.  And what is interesting is over 50% of the people who experience the opposite of wealthy living desire otherwise but do not know how to achieve it?  Chances are YOU are well aware of how this feels.

Someone asked me a very important question that I had never considered.  I’m curious to know how you would answer.  “What could you do with a weekly income that matched what you now earn monthly?” Do you believe this is possible to achieve?

Whether you realize this or not, you are able to receive any denomination of money you desire.  That is, if you believe you can.  You may say, “If this is possible then why haven’t I already become a millionaire like I truly desire to be one day?”  My answer is because you have yet to decide to be.

Think about this old saying for a moment. 

“You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

Seems logical doesn’t it?  You either possess the cake or eat the cake, right?  WRONG!  What is the point of possessing cake if you can’t indulge in the eating of it?  I’m sure many will agree with that question but still stand clueless on how this is achieved while still possessing the cake. 

What if you were a baker who owned a bakery?  All of the cake created in this bakery is first possessed by you.  Then, you would feel more than comfortable with eating of any of the cake within your possession knowing you could produce more as you desire.  Without truly realizing it, you would possess cake and eat it too!

If only people thought this way about money.  But, it is easier for most individuals to conceive of the idea of generating cake.  Either they have knowledge of a recipe and have the ingredients or they are aware that most grocery stores sell boxed cake mixes and the necessary ingredients that they are able to purchase.  And, there is a nifty set of instructions on the back of each box.  How ideal is that?!

When it comes to money people are less likely to feel confident that they can generate money as readily as they would cake.  There are a number of reasons for this and they vary, even if only slightly, from person to person.  I read a quote on my Facebook page today that is valid in explanation of this reality.

“What we cling to as truth depends on our Point of View.”

-Master Yoda    

When we were children our minds were open and influential.  For us this has positive and negative affect on our adult life.  The truths our parents and other adults around us clung to and shared as truths about money took decided residence within us.  For the most part, many people live out those truths in the financial arena of their lives not realizing that they in fact are not theirs originally.

What was the truth about money circulating in your childhood environment?  How did your parents and their associates and peers act in response to money?  Once you answer this question, examine your own life.  Do you see any resemblance?

People are not living rich life experiences because they were never taught they could and/or they were never shown how.  And as adults, we hold on dearly to our truths whether they benefit us or not.  Someone who knew the not-so-secret process to experiencing wealth could not waltz into your life and impress a made up mind to think otherwise.  The person in possession of that mind will have to decide to adopt a new way of thinking before the person with knowledge of the process could offer any relief.  I find that to be a sad but true reality.

If you are someone who is not experiencing the wealth of life and would like to do so, what are you waiting for?  Change your way of thinking today.  You can start by making a decision to do so.  The rest will follow.

I admit.  This article is quite vague.  I have not offered much information about the process of becoming rich.  This was done intentionally.  It is my desire to inform you that more is available for you to have and I hope you decide to go after it.  Once you have made this decision, I have no doubt that you will be eager to read my next article that will detail this easy process.  Meanwhile, use your internet time wisely.  Research what you would like to know more about.

I wish you a rich experience.


DeMeitta Wesley
Email dreamchild78@gmail.com for a complimentary Life Coaching interview.  Also, visit http://www.demeitta.moonfruit.com/ for personal development information. 

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